Saturday, April 9, 2016

Japan Spring 2016

First day, getting there. SeaTac to our hotel in Shinjuku

We took the Skyliner train into the city, about an hours trip.

This train is not crowded..

Our room at the Citadines Shinjuku. Not a bad room. The Toto brand toilet is dangerous. It features small plastic spray nozzles that pop out w powerful jets of water to wash nether regions. The directions are in Japanese. It was not immediately clear how to turn them off. I got soaked trying.

Shinjuku at night. We ate dinner in a small smoky bar, sitting on tatami mats at a low table. We don't really fit. They brought us both beers. Probably Mina's first. Some drunk old guy chatted Mina up. As far as we could tell he was telling us he traveled to space... or something. Sticks of grilled meat for dinner. I kindly finished Mina's beer. We bought Takomaki on the way back, balls of dough with octopus inside. Sort of like a fish round pancake but covered with sweet Kupie mayonnaise, bull dog sauce and dried bonito flakes. Unlike most foods that seem weird on first sight, these were as bad as they sound and got tossed. Good night sleep.

Second day - Isetan department store and Kinokuniya book store, Meiji shrine, Harajuku and the Robots

 We didn't try the "friendly young"

Mina about to buy her first Pocari Sweat.

 Six floors of books we can't read.

 Roof top of the Isetan dept store.

 Getting married at Meiji shrine

Mina at Meiji shrine.

Shooting Bart at Meiji shine.

Bento picnic and naps near Meiji shrine
Duo -selfie near Meiji shrine w great sun glasses

Harajuku, kids shopping to look cool.
" The Mountain of Seattle"

 Waiting for the Robot Cabaret

 Shibuya Starbucks

Tuesday National Museum of Japan, Ueno and the Yanaka neighborhood

Ueno station selfie

OHanami in Ueno park- cherry blossom viewing rules. We broke most of them.

 Park bench people watching

 The National Museum

Me and the National Museum mascot.

 Nice wall the National Museum. There's other things here too...

 My favorite part of the museum, umbrella storage!

Yanaka neighborhood. Old temples, Zen monasteries' and Buddhist graveyards


 More brooms
 Bikes and brooms!

 Bikes w/o brooms!

Golden Gai behind our hotel burns. Its an area of dozens of small bars in old shack like building.  Lots of fire trucks and news helicopters. Smoke in our room.

 Wednesday - Yokohama and the Momofuku Cup of Noodles museum

 The outside of a Don Quixote store, the Japanese Walmart

 Mina @ Yokohama Chinatown all you can eat dim sum.

 Here we are. The Ando Momofuku Cup of Noodles museum. A totally goofy place.

 The man himself, Momofuku. He's holding chicken ramen. I'm pretending I am.

 Momo, says never give up! Note he's keeping good company, Einstein, Babe Ruth, Emperor Hirohito, Sir Isaac Newton. They all wish they'd invented instant ramen.

 Momofuko invents Space Ramen at 91 years!

We had no idea what this room was about but it was weird.

 Mina giving Momofuko some love.

 The original chicken ramen, circa 1958

 Not exactly sure what the two pics above are all about...

World's only Cup of Noodles sculpture?

 The shack where it all started..

So much instant ramen. I don't even really like the stuff.

 And then we made our own Cup of Noodles in the Ramen Factory!

Mina's is on the left.

 Only my ramen was upside down in the balloon carrying bag.

 Kids play ground where they get to pretend they're a package of noodles being fried and boxed.

 We went on that thing.

We bought this and Mina's taking him home.

Thursday   Ghibli museum

Mina in Minataki

The Ghibli museum

Translation, don't hit your head

Minataki window

More Minataki windows


Somewhere a revolutionary is spinning in his grave.

All time best cigarette branding. "Death Lights"

Friday Ebisu shopping

Clever coffee brewer. It's flat in the package, you pop the wings out, open the top and pour the water in.

Sushi Cat

Kapitol dog

 Landing area, watch your step

New glasses.


Dinner on the Ginza

Unloading the 7-11 ice cream haul in our room.

A nightly tradition

Saturday  Akihabara

Don Quiote our favorite store. The love child of Walmart and a flea market.

We thought the nice old lady was just chatting us up. Actually she was supersizing us.

The view from McDonalds.

Akihabara character shops

Some game shop. There's hundreds of these.

An origami show with origami master in residence.

This guy does complex and perfect origami without looking
Mina's prize dog purses. Couldn't decide which. Bought both.

You guess what's going on here...


Shabu Shabu farewell dinner


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